About Us


FACSA testifying in the Pennsylvania State House

Our Vision: To abolish the sexual abuse of children.

Our Mission: To influence state and federal governments, courts, the criminal justice system and the media to

  • Protect children from sexual abuse
  • Hold those who sexually abuse children accountable
  • Hold institutions which condone and enable the sexual abuse of children accountable.
  • Help child sex abuse victims find justice.

Our Objectives: To influence the adoption of state and federal legislation that will:

  • Provide strong protection for children from sex abuse
  • Deter perpetrators of child sexual abuse.
  • Provide justice to child sex abuse survivors
  • Hold accountable the public and private institutions that enable, hide or abet child sexual abuse.
  • To influence the criminal justice system to aggressively pursue perpetrators of child sex abuse and the public and private institutions that enable child sex abuse.
  • To encourage courts to enforce existing penalties for perpetrators of child sex abuse and institutions that enable child sex abuse.
  • To serve as a watchdog of the media so that it will more truthfully and fully report on the problem of the sexual abuse of children.

Our Values:

  • Our organization will always conduct all of its affairs with unquestioned integrity.
  • We will always show the proper support and empathy to the victims of childhood sex abuse.
  • We will speak truth to power.


John Salveson, President